My Go-To Resources for Running a Photography Business

Jacquie Erickson’s family stands in a grassy park while Jacquie whispers something funny to the eldest son. Natural photography Momtog course streamline workflow small business helpers #planoly #dubsado #pixiset #tailwind #theunburdenstudio

Hey, fellow shutterbugs! We all know the magic of capturing a perfect moment but running a successful photography business requires more than just an eye for composition. Between client communication, scheduling, marketing, and, oh yeah, actually taking photos, it can feel like there just aren't enough hours in the day.

That's why I'm sharing my go-to resources that have streamlined my workflow, saved me countless hours, and allowed me to focus on what I love most: creating beautiful photography. Let's dive in!

1. Planoly: The Visual Content Planning Hero

Planning social media content can be a beast. Enter Planoly, my visual planning BFF. This platform allows you to drag and drop photos, schedule posts, and preview your feed before it goes live. No more scrambling at the last minute, wondering what to post! Plus, Planoly integrates seamlessly with Instagram, making scheduling a breeze.

2. Dubsado: Say Goodbye to Email Chaos

Dubsado is a game-changer for client communication and project management. It streamlines everything, from proposals and contracts to invoices and questionnaires. Imagine sending beautifully branded proposals with online booking options, collecting client signatures electronically, and managing contracts—all in one place! Dubsado has saved me countless hours of back-and-forth emails and headaches.

3. PixiSet & PixiStock: The Power of Stock Photos

Let's be honest, sometimes we need a little visual inspiration for our marketing materials. For captivating, high-resolution stock photos, I rely on PixiSet and PixiStock. These resources offer a vast library of beautiful, royalty-free images that can elevate your website, blog posts, and social media content.

4. Tailwind: Scheduling for Pinterest Power

Pinterest is a powerhouse for photographers looking to attract new clients. Tailwind helps you schedule your pins in advance, ensuring consistent activity and driving traffic to your website. Their analytics tools also provide valuable insights into what's resonating with your audience, so you can refine your strategy for maximum impact.

5. Pre-made Client Questionnaires: Streamlining the Process 

One of the biggest time-takers is those initial consultations where you spend ages gathering basic information. Pre-made client questionnaires are a lifesaver! I created my own templates that cover everything from shoot location preferences to style inspiration. These questionnaires not only save valuable consultation time but also ensure I have all the details upfront to create a truly personalized experience for each client. 

6. The Unburden Studio: Reclaim Your Time and Focus on Your Passion

Look, we all wear many hats as photographers, but sometimes those hats can feel overwhelming. The Unburden Studio offers a unique and invaluable solution: a complete online marketing package designed specifically for photographers.

Their talented team creates stunning websites with a focus on brand identity, and they don't stop there. The Unburden Studio offers content creation services, crafting engaging content for your website, blog, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and more.

Imagine This: A four-week intensive program that delivers a whopping 90 days' worth of pre-made content, saving you the time and hassle of content creation. They take care of the heavy lifting—website design, brand identity, and content creation—allowing you to focus on what you do best: capturing breathtaking moments and building meaningful connections with your clients.

By leveraging these resources, I've been able to streamline my workflow, free up precious time, and focus on the creative magic that fuels my passion for photography. So, fellow photographers, ditch the overwhelm and embrace the tools that can help you build a thriving business! Now go forth and create!

Disclaimer: This blog post contains affiliate links. If you click through and make a purchase, I may receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). However, I only recommend products and services that I genuinely use and believe in.

Jacquie Erickson, photographer and small business coach smiles in a grassy meadow. small business owner family photographer Client questionnaire Momtog course streamline workflow small business helpers #planoly #pixiset #tailwind #diyphotographers

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