Six Reasons You'll Never Regret Taking Family Photos


In the age of digital cameras and smartphones, we take more photos than ever before. But how many of those photos are of the whole family? In our busy lives, it's easy to let family photo sessions fall by the wayside. But I'm here to tell you that taking family photos is something you'll never regret.

Here are six reasons why you should book family photos today:

Capture Fleeting Moments

Our children grow and change so quickly. It seems like just yesterday they were tiny babies, and now they're off to college. Family photos help us capture those fleeting moments and hold onto them forever. When you look back at old photos, you'll be able to remember the little details, like your child's first tooth or the way they used to crinkle their nose when they laughed. When you’re a young parent, it’s easy to get consumed with the hard and not see the beauty in these moments, and professional photos allow you to do just that.

Strengthen family bonds

Taking family photos together can be a fun and bonding experience. It's a chance to get everyone together, relax, and have some laughs. The process of choosing outfits, picking a location, and posing for the camera can create lasting memories. And when you see the finished photos, you'll be reminded of the love and connection that you share with your family. Children love to see photos of themselves when they are younger, and it is proven that seeing photos of themselves surrounded by loved ones can boost their self-esteem and sense of belonging.

Create a legacy for future generations.

Family photos are not just for us; they're for our children and grandchildren too. When they look at old photos, they'll be able to see their family history and learn about the people who came before them. They'll see how their parents and grandparents looked when they were young, and they'll get a sense of who they are and where they come from.

Document your family's story.

Family photos are a way to document your family's story. They capture the milestones, the holidays, and the everyday moments that make up our lives. When you look through a photo album, you can relive the good times and the bad times, the triumphs and the challenges. Family photos are a reminder of everything you've been through together, and they show how much you've grown as a family.

Boost your mood

Looking at happy photos of your family can be a great mood booster. When you're feeling down, all you have to do is pull out a photo album or scroll through your phone and look at pictures of your loved ones. Seeing their smiling faces is sure to put a smile on your own face. Not only can professional pictures boost your mood, but they can be a light for your loved ones as well. Seeing your family in updated portraits will make their day, especially when they live far away.

There is no perfect time for family photos

I know that taking family photos can feel like a hassle sometimes. But trust me, it's worth it. You’ll regret having waited for the “perfect” time to get photos at various ages or stages of life. In the years to come, you'll be so grateful that you have those photos. They'll be a source of joy, comfort, and pride. So don't put it off any longer. Schedule a family photo session today. You won't regret it.

It is proven that when children see photos of themselves surrounded by loved ones it can boost their self-esteem and sense of belonging. #JacquieEricksonPhotography #ReasonsToTakeFamilyPhotos #AtlantaFamilyPhotographer #FayettevilleFamilyPhotos

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